is specifically for older church members centred around Holy Communion.
We Aim
To be a ‘place’ both in time and physical space where older members of the St. Peter’s congregation can share the fellowship of a themed lunch on a twice a year basis and a monthly cafe style Holy Communion followed by coffee and conversation time. This promotes the building of mutual support and companionship whilst giving the opportunity to explore and meet the spiritual needs of older members.
We Try
To ‘Keep in touch’ with absent or lapsed members (whether due to the pandemic or for other reasons) through the Service of Holy Communion then sharing refreshments afterwards, enabling socialising in a distinctly Christian environment, which is not always accessible for older persons
We Celebrate
Together a sense of belonging to a gathered community once again. Finding the joy of reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. All based around our faith and the sharing of the Eucharist with awareness of and in respect to - the needs of aging congregation members.