If you have any concerns, however small, please contact our Safeguarding Officer.
Full contacts list:
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
Tsungai Muchegwa:
+44 7435 550 685
+44 1865 208 295 or email
Diocesan Out of Hours
(after 17:00 and weekends)
Thirtyone:eight +44 303 003 1111
Local Authority Bucks (Children)
+44 1296 383 962 Out of Hours 0800 999 7677
Local Authority Bucks (Adults)
0800 137 915 Out of Hours Tel: 0800 999 7677

Training requirements for St Peter's
Safeguarding training must be refreshed every three years. All of the training sessions can be found here:
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Emma Warburton, will inform you if your training is out of date. If you haven't completed any training and you think that you should have, please contact Emma for advice.
Please pass certificates onto the Parish Safeguarding Officer when you have completed a module